FAQ: 1. Your "project" report comes in two parts: An oral report (presentation) and a written part. 2. Oral presentations will be 20 minutes long (to be split between you and your partner - 10 min. each). The presentations will be held in ???. Feel free to attend others' presentations - and you can walk in/out any time. 3. Please make your presentations accessible to everyone in the class. So definitions should be complete and even if you recall material from the class be explicit about it. 4. If you haven't signed up already, email me an ordered list of potential timings that may work for you. 5. The written report should be <= 5 pages long. At this level of brevity, it can't possibly prove everything. Give a definition of the problem, a summary of what you read/found out, and then isolate some key element whose proof you can give (in the space available). 6. Any other questions? Ask me and I'll email back.