Cabot Reading Room - Lower Level

The formal Harvard link to this room is here.

Informally, the lecture room is located in the lower level of the Cabot Library in the Science Center. You can get to this room by entering the library next to the Clover Cafe, heading down one level, making a left at the bottom of the stairs and heading all the way to the end. Note that there is a guard at the entrance to the library. Usually you can enter without showing your ID. If you have a Harvard ID, this will be simplest for the guard. Else explain to the guard that you are a registered attendee of the course (CS 229r) and the guard will allow you in (maybe after asking to see some form of an ID). We will try to make sure the guard is aware that there are non-Harvard students who will be taking this class. There are also gates which do not go through the guard but rather require Harvard ID to unlock. For students These may also work well for some of you.

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