Salil Vadhan's Research

My research interests are in the Theory of Computation, and focuses on complexity theory, cryptography, and randomness in computation.

Full List of Papers

Clicking on a paper will take you to webpage for that paper, which contains an abstract and a copy of the paper in postscript and/or other formats.  Papers posted or substantially revised in roughly the last year are marked  or , respectively.  If you have trouble reading any of the files, please send me email: MyFirstName AT The versions of papers here do not always correspond exactly to the published version, especially with respect to formatting and page numbering.  In particular, for journal papers, this site usually contains the last version prior to copyediting. In some cases, I include links to the publication's website, where you may be able to get the official version if you or your institution has an electronic subscription.

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This list of papers has not been updated since November 2010. For my more recent papers, please see Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard (DASH), and the DBLP Computer Science Bibliography.

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This page was last updated 3/29/15.